Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goodbye Ringo!

Yes, there was a real boy down there under all that hair. We were grooming him to be one of The Beatles, but decided the time had come to pull out the clippers. Friends have asked why we let his hair grow so long. Those friends need to spend about 5 minutes with little Carsie to learn that he is wild. It was for his own safety that we kept the scissors and clippers away from him.

Carson enjoys climbing on the kitchen table and counters now. He then runs back and forth playing "keep away" from you. He also loves splashing in the toilets, pulling all of the DVDs out, messing around in the garage and running in the street. Ahh, 1-yr-olds!

1 comment:

t.t.turner said...

WHERE did baby Carson go?!?! He's HUGE! What a handsome man!